Contents (Click To Jump)
- 1 What Are the Most Common Tree Issues in Oconomowoc?
- 2 Does the City of Oconomowoc Provide Any Assistance in Tree Removal Problems?
- 3 Who Is Responsible for Fallen Tree Removal in Oconomowoc?
- 4 How Does the Soil Affect Trees in Oconomowoc?
- 5 Does Weather Affect Tree Health in Oconomowoc?
- 6 What If Dead Trees Are Near Power Lines in Oconomowoc?
- 7 How Much Does Tree Removal Usually Cost in Oconomowoc?
What Are the Most Common Tree Issues in Oconomowoc?
Wisconsin is home to a wide variety of native trees. Almost half of the forests here are made up of ash and maple trees. Gingko, beech, buckeye, and the Kentucky Coffeetree are also prevalent. We are very fortunate to have such gorgeous flowering and deciduous trees in our hometown, but they also face some dangers posed by nature and the environment.
Car Damage
The city plants trees in the right-of-way throughout the downtown area, but also in front of private residences. Often, people parking their cars or driving recklessly will damage the trees. The damage is usually minimal, and the tree can be saved. Sometimes, however, the damage is severe, and the tree must be replaced.
Root-Knot Nematodes
Ginkgo trees are especially susceptible to root issues such as root-knot nematodes. These tiny worms live in the soil and feed off the tree roots. Root rot can also be an issue if there has been a lot of rain. Ginkgo trees are generally resistant to most pests and diseases, however. So these issues are rare.
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
The hemlock woolly adelgid is native to the Pacific Northwest, but it has become established in the Eastern United States, killing thousands of trees every year. It feeds on the tree’s nutrients and water supply, leaving the tree to starve. Its feeding nesting activities are deadly.
Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer
The polyphagous shot hole borer is a voracious pest. It is a hard-shelled beetle that bores into trees, creating tiny cubicles where it feeds and lays eggs, which disrupts the flow of nutrients through the tree.
Bark Disease
Cankers develop on the bark that blister and ooze sap. The disease is caused by a fungus that will eventually kill the tree if not treated. It leaves wooly, white scars in its wake.
Root Rot
Wisconsin receives a lot of rain annually. It is a large contributor to root rot. Root rot is a fungus that spreads through the soil. It attacks the roots and spreads through the tree’s whole system. Since the attack begins underground, visible symptoms often mean it’s too late to do anything about it.
Powdery Mildew
Powdery Mildew looks like white-powdery spots on tree foliage. It’s another fungal disease that leads to the death of the tree. The only option is removal from contagion. It can easily spread through insect infestations and certain weather situations.
Symptoms include powdery white spots on leaves, stems, and fruit, yellow and brown wilted discolorations on leaves, stems, and small branches, and dried leaves or broken and disfigured twigs and leaves.
Does the City of Oconomowoc Provide Any Assistance in Tree Removal Problems?
The city of Oconomowoc has a tree program. They plant street trees throughout the city, in the rights-of-way, and along sidewalks. Citizens can pay to have one planted in the city area in front of their house. The maintenance and removal of the tree is the city’s responsibility, but they ask the homeowner to water the tree several times a month.
The city specifically states that all trees on private property are the responsibility of the property owner. They do not offer any maintenance or removal assistance for trees on private property. If a private tree is interfering on public property, the property owner will receive a letter from the city stating its need for removal.
Who Is Responsible for Fallen Tree Removal in Oconomowoc?
When a tree falls on a homeowner’s land in Wisconsin, removal is the responsibility of the owner. Restoration of damages to other properties involved falls to the homeowner, as well. It sounds simple, but it can be confusing. So, let’s take a look at this issue for homeowners, renters, and landlords in the Oconomowoc area.
If you’re a homeowner?
In Wisconsin, homeowners are responsible for anything that happens on their property, even an act of God. That is the reason why we keep homeowners’ insurance. Most policies have a clause for tree removal and reparations to other property.
If you’re a renter?
Renters don’t usually carry the responsibility of a felled tree in Oconomowoc unless their rental agreement specifically states it. Often, renters’ insurance can take care of related expenses if it is the renters’ responsibility.
If you’re a landlord?
When the landlord also owns the property, they are responsible for a felled tree and its expenses. If the landlord is simply a person hired to collect rent, they may not be financially responsible.
If you’re a neighbor?
Neighbors are not responsible for a tree, and neither is the city. If you have a problem with the responsibility of a felled tree, you’ll have to take it to court. The city of Oconomowoc has no legal authority in such matters.
How Does the Soil Affect Trees in Oconomowoc?
Wisconsin soil is called Antigo Silt Loam. It is very deep and drains well, which is beneficial to most species of trees. This type of soil promotes good water and nutrient flow. It isn’t prone to allowing root rot, as it drains very well due to the small amount of rock content. In general, Oconomowoc soil makes trees very happy.
Does Weather Affect Tree Health in Oconomowoc?
Oconomowoc winters can be deadly for trees. Freezing temperatures can affect everything from the roots to the foliage. We also get a few severe storms annually. Accompanied by heavy winds, storms can do serious damage to a tree. It isn’t unusual to see tornados or landslides either, both of which pack a powerful punch to a tree’s health.
What If Dead Trees Are Near Power Lines in Oconomowoc?
Felled, dead, and aging trees are a significant threat to power lines and anything nearby. Regular trimming and pruning can prevent dangerous issues from occurring. Any debris from cleaning up a tree that’s fallen on a power line is the responsibility of the property owner. The city of Oconomowoc performs pruning of trees that hang over power lines when they become a threat, and they will clean up privately owned tree debris in a storm situation.
How Much Does Tree Removal Usually Cost in Oconomowoc?
Tree removal costs are relative to specific factors, but there are some baselines. Generally, removal in Oconomowoc ranges between $300 and $2,200. Not every tree job is the same, and those varying factors have a significant impact on cost. Here are a few things that can drastically reduce or increase the price of your tree removal:
1: Timing and Season
After a surprise autumn snow or an onslaught of spring rain, a lot of your neighbors are going to have branches and dead trees to remove at the same time that you do. This puts our srborists’ time at a premium and makes equipment harder to come by in the basic principles of supply and demand. Demand is high, but there isn’t any greater supply than before the storm, so you’ll pay more. Likewise, there are a few times of the year when it’s ideal to prune trees, so it’ll be harder to hire our tree removal professionals during these popular pruning seasons.
Another way timing plays a part in tree removal costs is emergency services. Anytime you need our professional help after regular business hours, it’s going to cost more. The expense of keeping our arborists on-call is passed on to you, but it’s a service that seems like a godsend when a tree falls into your kitchen window at 3 a.m.
2: Location and Accessibility
Trees in tricky locations are obviously harder to cut down than those standing in the middle of your yard. Any tree that is severely leaning is another expensive job. It takes specialized equipment and more than one of our specialists to cut a leaning tree and not hit a home or structure. The more complex and intricate a tree removal job is, the more it’s going to cost.
3: Tree Factors
The size, species, and health of a tree all have a factor in the final cost. A dead tree is usually no problem to cut down. The saw goes through the dead wood easily. Oak, on the other hand, is a strong and healthy tree. It isn’t always easy to cut down a large, living oak. It can take several chainsaw blades, as well as other equipment.
4: Scope of the Job
A small job will obviously cost less than a big job. Small jobs with a complicated problem or hard-to-find part can cost more. It’s all about the size and scope of the job. If you need a small tree cleaned out of your yard, you won’t be paying much more than $75. It will cost more if the tree is big, if it’s hung in a fence, or if any equipment is required.
Larger trees and those that are complicated to extricate will cost more. There will also be extra costs for things, like stump grinding and log splitting. Stumps can be dug up or burned, and then disposed of by chipping or burning. Fireplace owners have one silver lining in the dark cloud of a fallen tree. They get some extra firewoodif they ask our specialists to leave it for them!