Contents (Click To Jump)
- 1 What Are the Most Common Tree Issues in Marlborough?
- 2 Does the City of Marlborough Provide Any Assistance in Tree Removal Problems?
- 3 Who Is Responsible for Fallen Tree Removal in Marlborough?
- 4 How Does the Soil Affect Trees in Marlborough?
- 5 Does Weather Affect Tree Health in Marlborough?
- 6 What If Dead Trees Are Near Power Lines in Marlborough?
- 7 How Much Does Tree Removal Usually Cost in Marlborough?
What Are the Most Common Tree Issues in Marlborough?
Marlborough, Massachusetts is a lovely city located about 30 miles west of Boston. Almost 40,000 people live in Marlborough, and it’s a highly historic and prosperous place to live. It was founded all the way back in 1660, and many people enjoy visiting the city due to its striking architecture, incredible museums, and numerous nature destinations. One of the main reasons Marlborough is so gorgeous is because of its trees and natural scenery. We believe residents of the area should have a basic understanding of common tree issues so that we can all actively work toward keeping our city beautiful and full of life. Three of the most common tree issues we see in Marlborough include gypsy moths, southern pine beetle, and beech leaf disease.
Gypsy Moths
Gypsy moths have been in Massachusetts as early as 1869, and these pests continue to wreak havoc on our forests and trees. Gypsy moths are incredibly problematic in some years and less present and persistent in other years, thanks to various weather patterns and other conditions. These creatures enjoy attacking white oaks most often, but birch, poplar, hawthorn, and many other types of trees can also be a victim to gypsy moths. The most problematic aspect of these moths is after their caterpillars hatch, as they begin voraciously feeding on the foliage of trees.
Most strong trees can withstand a year or two of defoliation from gypsy moth larvae, but repeated attacks can significantly weaken a tree’s structural integrity or kill it altogether. Gypsy moths can be effectively handled by certain pesticides, but it’s important to enlist the help of a certified pesticide applicator to prevent unforeseen pesticide issues from occurring. Interestingly, a natural fungus that thrives in cool and wet conditions helps keep gypsy moth populations in check quite well, but it does not provide a practical solution for pest management.
Southern Pine Beetles
Although Massachusetts is not considered a southern state, southern pine beetles have made themselves right at home here. Like their name alludes to, southern pine beetles attack pine trees eating their bark and laying their eggs beneath it. Most trees are killed relatively quickly after these beetles begin to take hold, largely because they tend to attack already weakened trees and because they set off a vicious cycle.
The presence of southern pine beetles attracts and invites even more of these critters to dine and move into an affected tree, and the more beetles that munch on it and lay their eggs in a given time, the faster a tree will die. We have had to remove many trees that were offed by these pests, as there isn’t much anyone can do once they infiltrate the bark.
Trees that are kept healthy and free of stress are unlikely to be attacked by southern pine beetles, so the best form of defense at your disposal is taking basic preventative measures to keep your trees strong and resilient. This may include regular pruning during appropriate times, watering during droughts, and fortifying soil with more nutrients when needed.
Beech Leaf Disease
Beech leaf disease, or BLD, is a relatively new tree disease that was first identified in 2012 in Ohio. Caused by a nematode species, it can quickly damage a tree’s leaves, which can lead to a significant decline in tree health and eventual tree death. Much is still unknown about BLD, but research suggests that American, Oriental, and European beech trees can all be affected by it at any age.
BLD causes dark stripes to form between the veins on leaves, and many leaves end up developing a leathery texture. Withering and curling leaves are also common to this disease. If you see symptoms of BLD, it’s important to contact the DCR Forest Health Program by calling 857-337-5173 and reporting the location, symptoms, and other key information. This can provide the agency with more data as they work to learn more about the disease and how to slow its spread.
Does the City of Marlborough Provide Any Assistance in Tree Removal Problems?
Yes, the City of Marlborough has a Forestry, Parks, and Cemeteries Division that takes care of trees and other plants on public property regularly. They perform routine tree trimming and other services to keep our parks and trails healthy, thriving, and safe for residents and visitors to use. The City also offers free Christmas tree pickup each year, and they provide yard waste pickup in the fall and spring.
Who Is Responsible for Fallen Tree Removal in Marlborough?
Nobody likes seeing trees fall after a storm or due to disease, but a fallen tree won’t remove itself. It can be confusing and frustrating to try to figure out who is responsible for a fallen tree when multiple parties are involved, so we think it’s helpful to inform people about general rules of thumb regarding fallen tree removal.
If you’re a homeowner?
Home and property owners are responsible for taking care of the trees on their land, which includes removal if they fall over. For this reason, preventative maintenance is helpful for reducing the odds that trees in your yard will succumb to disease or the elements and leave you with a tree removal bill.
If you’re a renter?
Renters are sometimes responsible for performing basic yard care, such as mowing and raking leaves, but most are not obligated to get fallen trees removed from the premises. This responsibility typically goes to the landlord, unless there is a specific clause in the rental agreement that deems the renters liable for fallen trees.
If you’re a landlord?
Landlords are legally responsible for keeping their rental properties safe and free of hazards. Dead, diseased, or unmanaged trees can pose a threat to the safety of your residents, and it’s your responsibility to keep trees healthy and maintained. This includes getting fallen trees cleaned up unless you have it written in your rental agreement that it is the renter’s responsibility.
If you’re a neighbor?
If your neighbor’s tree falls into your yard, it might feel unfair that you become responsible for having it removed, but that’s often the way the cookie crumbles. You are responsible for your property, and unfortunately, trees that fall onto it even if they weren’t yours to begin with. We recommend speaking with your neighbors about these matters ahead of time to reach an agreement about who is responsible for what. Many neighbors decide to split tree care costs for trees that sit on property lines.
How Does the Soil Affect Trees in Marlborough?
Soil is one of the most important factors in tree health, but it is often overlooked by property owners when trying to figure out why their trees aren’t thriving like they used to. Our soil is incredibly varied throughout the county, and the soil composition could differ greatly from one end of your yard to the other. The composition of soil can greatly affect tree health, especially if it contains too much or too little of one component or another.
For example, soils that contain too much clay can swell and hold onto too much water, keeping the roots too moist and causing mold and bacteria problems. On the other hand, soils with too much sand drain too quickly, leaving trees parched and dehydrated. There are several other aspects of soil health pertaining to trees, including pH, nutrient content, and more. The best way to understand what type of soil you have is by sending in soil samples, which will give you a detailed report about your soil composition.
Does Weather Affect Tree Health in Marlborough?
We tend to get lots of rain and snow throughout the year, which keeps our trees well hydrated. We are also lucky enough to get plenty of sunshine, especially in the summer months, to also keep our trees happy and healthy. Our summers are relatively mild in temperature, but our winters are quite bitter and cold. Most of our trees are well-suited for this weather, but extended periods of either very hot or very cold weather can negatively impact our tree health.
What If Dead Trees Are Near Power Lines in Marlborough?
National Grid regularly trims and prunes trees that are near main power lines, but homeowners are obligated to trim and prune branches near the power lines that connect directly to their homes. If you see a tree that has fallen into a power line, or its branches are coming in contact with the cords, you should report this to the electric company using their emergency line or online form. Trees can conduct high volumes of electricity, so it’s important to stay far away from trees that might be in contact with power lines.
How Much Does Tree Removal Usually Cost in Marlborough?
In Marlborough, most people can expect to pay around $680 for tree removal services, but your actual cost may be significantly higher (up to around $2,200) or lower (as low as $150) depending upon your unique set of circumstances. The three largest factors we take into account when calculating tree removal costs include the size of the tree, what special equipment is needed, and whether other services are provided during or after removal.
Size of the Tree
Larger trees are a larger undertaking for our staff, and they usually require more hours to remove and more staff members to complete the job. As such, having large trees removed from your property will cost much more than getting thin or short trees removed.
Special Equipment Needed
When trees are located in hard-to-reach places or could cause property damage if they fall, we often have to use more specialized equipment or techniques to get the job done safely. These methods will cost a bit more, but they help to ensure our staff, your family, and your property remain safe during the tree removal process.
Other Services Provided
We have to remove some trees because they are in the way of a construction project, but sometimes, we also remove trees that are dead or dying from various diseases. Many tree diseases spread quickly and easily, and they can kill an entire yard of trees in no time at all. When we remove diseased trees, we often recommend other preventative services to reduce the odds that other trees on your property will meet the same fate.